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Updated Outbox Documents (16th March 2023)

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Updated outbox documents include:

Breathe Hawke’s Bay
Community Speech and Language Therapy (Engage Community Allied Health – Adult)
Continence Service
District Nursing – Bowel Management
District Nursing – Catheter Management
District Nursing – Medications Management
District Nursing – Palliative
District Nursing – Wound Care
Engage MDT, Community Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Work (Engage Community Allied Health)
Fracture Liaison
Gout Management and Support Programme – Mate Taihā
Healthy Homes
Ostomy Service
Pulmonary Rehab
Community Dietician
Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri

Medtech32 / Medtech Evolution users: Installation instructions were sent to Practice Managers
Incidi and MyPractice users: Updated forms were sent to your PMS provider for installation.

Practice Managers have also received an excel spreadsheet with the list of updated outbox documents, including form code, description, and email address for referral. If the email containing the installation files and the excel sheet has not been received by the Practice Manager, please contact Health Hawke’s Bay support (support@healthhb.co.nz).

Please note the updated District Nursing Referral Form is now separated out into specific service type (Wound Care, Medications, etc). Separating the District Nursing referral type allows for shorter referral forms and clearer guidance on what information is required for the referral, as was the case with the previous electronic district nursing referral. An updated Guide on District Nursing Referral Entry Criteria is attached and includes the Abbreviated Rockwood Frailty Scale.

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