Pod Casts

Health Navigator Podcasts

Help us collate a list of the most useful podcasts for health providers working in New Zealand and beyond.

Podcasting is a digital recording of a presentation, radio broadcast or other recording that is made available on the Internet for downloading to a personal audio player or a computer. The great advantage of podcasts is being able to listen to presentations, radio shows and more whenever you want – whether it’s while out walking, driving to and from work or working out.

To listen to Podcast feeds on your computer, you need to download Podcasting software. There are many free or commercial podcasting applications available for download such as iTunes, Juice, Doppler, SmartFeed. Most smartphones come with this software loaded.

Click on an example of health-related podcasts HERE.


Goodfellow Unit Podcasts

Goodfellow presents a series of podcasts featuring topical and relevant information for health professionals.  Click on an episode title listed HERE and then click on the play button. You do not need to be logged in to listen to Goodfellow podcast episodes. You can also listen to the Goodfellow Clinics podcast via itunes.