Health Targets
Health targets are a set of national performance measures specifically designed to improve the performance of health services.
The targets reflect significant public and government priorities and provide a focus for action.
8 Month Immunisation – 95% of infants aged eight months will have completed their primary course of immunisation.
Better Help for Smokers to quit – 90% of enrolled patients who smoke have been offered help to quit smoking by a health care practitioner in the last 15 months.
Raising Healthy Kids – 95% of children identified as obese at their B4 School Check offered a referral to a health care professional for clinical assessment and whānau-based nutrition activity and life style interventions achieved.
System Level Measures
Keeping children out of hospital – Ambulatory Sensitive Hospitalisation (ASH) rate
Using health resources effectively – Acute hospital bed days per capita
Person-centered care – Patient experience of care
Early detection and intervention – Amenable mortality rates
Youth are Healthy, Safe and Supported – Youth access to and utilisation of youth-appropriate health services
Healthy Start – Babies living in smoke-free homes